Friday, March 23, 2012

What is this trip all about?

The Need:
• Colegio Monterrey is a private school on the outskirts of Costa Rica’s capital city, San José. Founded in 1956 by the Latin American Mission, the school instructs 750 students from preschool to 12th grade.
• The Roblealto Child Care Center is home to over 100 abandoned and at risk children living outside of San José.
The Team:
• On March 25-April 1, the Butteville Community Church is sending a group of three high school students, four adults, and a family who has served overseas in Costa Rica for several years with connections in these schools and several other ministries around San Jose.
• Of the adults in the group, many are teachers, so it gives the team a unique opportunity to grow and serve with their strengths.
The Mission:
• Working alongside teachers at Colegio Monterrey to bolster the school’s bilingual program.
• Offering tutoring and academic assistance during after school programs.
• Leading Bible Studies for children of different age groups.
• Fostering relationships for future outreach and exchange.
• Pray for team unity, safety in travel, and the ability to serve effectively at Colegio Monterrey as well as at the Robealto Child Care Center.


  1. I am praying for you all... that GOD will bless your socks off! ...that you will see His hand in all you do... that He will have prepared the hearts of those you minister to so that they will see His blessings coming to them through you... Ginger (Stuck not Swift)

  2. watch out for the blackwidow in the bananna tree.LOL

  3. may the holy spirit give you ziel and passion as he open's up your hearts and souls,to receive many blessings on your exciting journey tomarrow.sincerely your brother in christ!!! thomas
