Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 2 - Jumping In

Day 2, and everyone seems to be diving in. They have three "recesses" two for thirty minutes each and one for 10 minutes. Some students choose to eat during those "recess" breaks, but the girls dove right in and jumped in a pickup game with the boys.

After school, I (Glenn) was able to share with the teachers during their staff development meeting. In many ways, my presentation on "Equipping Learners for the Future" was more of a pep talk than an exchange of information. The staff was very receptive during the sharing times and many are eager, if not already incorporating many of the technologies we discussed. It was exciting to see them start to brainstorm and set goals for their classrooms, and to share frustrations as well as strategies for moving forward. Greg did an excellent job translating for me. I even threw some tough ones at him (like "paradigm shift") and he nailed it out of the park. We had a great time. Can't wait to get to talk with some of these teachers one-on-one tomorrow in some of their classes more in-depth.

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